Interest in interiors has never been as great as it is today. In the time we spend between four walls, we want to feel comfortable, be it in our own home, at work or when traveling in a hotel.

Comprehensive interior design without art is unimaginable. A well-placed, appealing work of art can make a decisive difference to the spatial experience. Art attracts attention, stimulates thought, can create a good mood or provide calm and strength.

Good art is not purely decorative, but captivating, intelligent and inspiring. Art creates space for emotions.

Together with the French artist Askthedust, I have created an Art Concept that combines art with interior design.

We offer original XL paintings, high-quality reproductions and murals that can put any room in a new light.

Have fun viewing our art works!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me,

With Love,
